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About: Adam

Full Name
R. Adam Crane
President, International MindFitness Foundation, Infinite Potentials Incorporated. Certifications: Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA) Senior Fellow, BCIA EEG Fellow, BCIA Certification in Stress Management Education, National Registration of Neurofeedback Providers, Diplomate, Neurotherapy and Biofeedback Certification Board, Diplomate in both Neurofeedback and Biofeedback. Corporate Responsibilities: Founder of Biofeedback Resources International, Co-founder Bio-Monitoring International (develops life sciences products including an EEG performance enhancement system that is selling well in the Asian market), Founder of Health Training Seminars. President and Founder of The International MindFitness Foundation (a 501 c3 not for profit). Founder of American BioTec Corporation and Infinite Potentials Incorporated. Since 1971 Adam and the organizations he has founded or co-founded have provided leadership in the development of biofeedback hardware and software, as well as innovative and effective business models for practitioners.

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